Special Education Department:
Digital Resources for Educators/Families

This page has been set up for you to access digital learning resources to support your child at home in the areas of English Language Arts, mathematics, physical education and science. In addition, you and your child can access virtual field trips, songs, educational games and puzzles. These lessons and activities are a compilation of some of our favorite materials and are easily adapted for use at home. This page will be updated monthly so please feel free to visit regularly for new learning tools and ideas.

Aileen Castro

Teacher on Special Assignment - Curriculum & Instruction

My name is Aileen Castro, and I have been working for the Santa Clara County Office of Education since 2012. I received my Special Education Degree from De La Salle University in the Philippines and hold a California Education Specialist Instruction Credential. In October 2021, I completed a Master of Science in Applied School Leadership through National University.

I am passionate about working with students who have special needs and enjoy helping them reach their fullest potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Along with our SCCOE teachers and staff, I am committed to ensuring our students are able to fully participate and be recognized as contributing members in our community.

I currently hold the position of Teacher on Special Assignment, Instruction and Curriculum. In this role, I am able to help teachers develop and implement interventions and provide training on SCCOE-adopted curriculum to more effectively support students with varying needs.

I look forward to working with you as partners in your child's growth and development!!

Riju Krishna

Teacher on Special Assignment - Curriculum & Instruction

My love of teaching and learning comes from my family; their growth mindset encouraged and allowed me to explore my passion. Through them I learned kindness, sharing and love. Their influence inspired me to understand the value of connecting with people, empathy and of putting people first. This has led me to continue to serve our students and those who support our students for over 20 years now.

My career spans special education, general education, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and Information Technology with experience in both the corporate and non profit sectors.

I have held multiple positions in education including that of a teacher, principal, technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) specialist, mentor, and trainer. I have always been driven to serve as an advocate for students and to model a culture where their voices are heard and their needs are met. I aim to foster environments of equal opportunity where our diverse students are welcomed. My goal as an educator is to design and coach our educators to implement curricula, programs and processes to meet our students where they are and help them exceed their goals.

Constantly learning through professional development opportunities, networking, and being knowledgeable of best teaching pedagogy are activities in which I am actively engaged. I also love developing technology tools, coaching youth basketball, making candles, spending time with friends and family and drives along our beautiful coastline.

Being a mother changed my life positively. Being an educator shaped my life constructively. I want everything for my students that I would want for my child. And I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to serve our students and staff in their educational journeys. Look forward to working with you!!!